indian cinema heritage foundation

Jeeo Shaan Se (1997)

  • Release Date1997
  • GenreComedy, Romance, Drama
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time138 min
  • Length3804.55 meters
  • Number of Reels16
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate NumberCIL/3/1/1997-MUM
  • Certificate Date07/01/1997
  • Shooting LocationFilmistan, Film City, Kamalistan

There are different forms of Love. One form is friendship while the other one is relationship, faith is yet another form of love. Madness is also love.

One who is in love calls "Laila" "Laila" like Majnu in the deserts; and Ranjha leaps into the swollen river. For someone else love is like furious wind of youth or adolescence. Meeting of two bodies is love for him. He mistakes lust for love.

Entangled between these two types of lovers is the third one, whose love is faith a well as lust. It is meeting of two hearts so also of two bodies. He himself is unable to decide in fact what his love is?

To each one the definition of love is in consonance with his own mental outlook. Fake love is just lust or carnal desire; true love is where two hearts as well as two bodies unite, and there is love whereupon bodies, hearts and spirits are in everlasting bounds.

These are the three different colours of love utilised in creation of the film "JEEO SHAAN SE".

[From the official press booklet]



Films by the same director